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Nr. 92 Eine harte Nuss (s. Taf. 87) - Die Lösungsvorschläge IV

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11: Looks like figure 7, but now hitting the yellow ball first (very thin!! – but of course cushion first!).

12: My second option: A follow-shot. Take the cueball high – with a little right spin

Possible, but difficult !! You have to make the cueball run very short, like fig. 8 ( but hitting the 2nd
ball thinner, and less draw).

14: Jihaaa, Kunststoß!! Just for the experts! Cue: about 75° to 80°. Needs some luck, but nice: "How to make the owner of the billiard-table angry!"

15 a, b: Another "Kopfstoß", 85° - 90° cue - angle, and please follow-through when taking the shot. It's seemingly going crazy, but still possible, when you master the Massé / Piqué - Shots.

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